

In addition to working as a practicing real estate agent, Jon is also available for one-on-one mentoring sessions either in person or via phone.

These sessions are designed to help:


Analyze and make your first or next real estate investment. Many investors are represented by agents and brokers unfamiliar with the intricacies and nuances of the income-generating real estate marketplace. Just as with mutual funds, stocks and other investments, it’s important you seek out the aid of a qualified and knowledgeable advisor who can help guide you to make the best investment decision. During these sessions, Jon will help you analyze your possible investments and guide you to the best choice based

Portfolio Review

Review your current real estate portfolio to determine if you’re maximizing your equity and what are the best next steps for you to take to continue up the Property Ladder. The key to building a real estate portfolio and consistent passive income stream is to regularly analyze your holdings and keep your equity working for you through a combination of Cash Out Refinances and 1031 Exchanges. Jon will help review your portfolio and make suggestions for possible next steps.

Passive Income

Better understand income-generating real estate as an investment and how you can use it to create a passive income stream you can use to pay for your kid’s college tuition, your mortgage and your retirement.

In addition to mentoring investors, Jon also has a coaching program designed to help agents monetize their existing client relationships and databases by adding income property sales into their tool kit.

Contact Jon for more information.

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